Progress Update – Winter 2020
December 2020
The Steering Committee was busy over the late summer and early autumn. Some of the activities we have been working on include:
- Engaging communities in an opt-in process to determine which communities would like to participate in the next three analyses: mental health and addictions, injuries and chronic diseases. Many First Nations understandably prioritized pandemic preparedness and planning, and this delayed the opt-in process. However, we are in the final stages and we hope to start the analyses early in the new year.
- Even though travel is restricted, we continue to share the mortality analysis results with regional partners and communities in an online workshop format. These sessions provide opportunities for the partnership to highlight the work to date and what is to come.
- We are preparing for a larger meeting in February 2021 to finalize a Partnership Agreement and plan for the next year.
- With help from Christine Luza, we hope to put forward an academic paper to share the results from the mortality analysis and best practices from the partnership.